Then, Brown came. The UPS guy stopped and unexpectedly delivered a package to me. Fantastic! It was my triathlon top I will wear at the Iron Girl very proudly representing Team in Training and everything that fabulous organization represents: raising money for research and supporting victims and families who are impacted by leukemia and lymphoma. We will wear our tops for swimming, biking, and running.
The green things will attach to our shoe and top to identify us. You know what that is about: injury or worse so I won't dwell on that. We will get our race number when we check in on Sat the 19th. The yellow tix are for a dinner with TNT people from all over the country. That is an event to take a box of Klennex with you because survivors and family talk about the impact the organization has made on their lives. There is never a dry eye in the room...all so moving and real. Inside the circle we call it a "mission moment". We forget about the stupid silly stuff and remind ourselves why we did this in the first place.
In the package are all the instruction about setting up our transition area and instructions about the course.
Speaking of stupid, silly stuff: Now I've just gotten an email about renting a wet suit for the swim. Hummm.........I've never practiced in a wet suit. I think they give more buoyancy but maybe that isn't right. Would I sink like a rock? I don't know what to do and have reached out to the coaches for advice. Hey this is only Day -12. I am not supposed to be handed a surprise yet. That should come much closer, say Day -3. I don't know what to do.
Back to the pig. I am cooking for the triathlon team Saturday. I decided to do a Boston Butt and make pulled pork. I am using a different method and wanted to try it out in advance. I am waiting for 200 degrees F internal temp to pull it. These young people can eat a lot. Well, for starters they are young and they exercise like mad every day. Joe will be mortified if anybody leaves hungry :-) I made a "thin, vinegary North Carolina-style barbecue sauce" last night. Recipe said it need to rest for one day before using it. Ok, when do I rest? The sauce reminds me of the old BarBQue House on North Street in Nacogdoches run by Big John. My bro John worked there in high school. I always thought it was the best, the best anywhere. After they moved to the new place on the loop, I never thought the food was as good. That typically happens doesn't it?
Tonight I go to see Jeanne Robertson the humorist. It should be a fun evening with my friend Marjorie W-R. Every time I see Jeanne's YouTube videos I practically wet my pants laughing. I expect she is even better in person. Our Sonny Dixon of WTOC is the emcee. I've been to two other events recently that he emcee'd and he is very funny himself.
Tomorrow: time at the pool.
Good night Reba!
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