Saturday, December 12, 2009


Done. Thank you to everyone who supported me and TNT.


  1. A big Texas congratulations!!!

  2. Milly,

    Thank you so much for all you do to help raise awareness for Leukemia & Lymphoma, and thank you for following and praying for our princess. I wish you were closer, I would love to start training with you.
    As for the hats, the kids love any and all kinds...seriously. I don't know where you would send them at MD, but if it's anything like Texas Children's I would send it to either the Cancer clinic or to the Ronald McDonald house. Texas Children's has a Ronald McDonald kitchen/room on the inpatient cancer floor & that is where I have put them in the past. You are awesome for doing that, the kiddos love to receive little gifts like that.

    Again, thank you for all you do!!!!

    Kari Mika
